This is a short story about my girlfriend that I grew up with her name is Beverly but everyone called her Putt. We meet when I was 13 years old , that’s when my mom and I move next door to Putt’s family. We where pretty close, but it was short live because we moved again—I didn’t see my friend again until 1971 after I had my first baby. sometimes we hung out together , the following year we both got married –I move away. It wasn’t until 2002 after I moved into a building for Senior Citizen's and for people with disabilities that I ran into Putt her mother was living her we exchange phone numbers over the past several years we became close again. later I found out that my friend Putt was battling cancer-Thank God she pull though, but as time went on she lost her mother, and than her father yet she remain stead fast and strong-the saddest part of all her cancer return-but she never gave up on life ---in fact she is the one who gave me so much encouragement though my ups and downs even has she was battling her second bolt with cancer. You see I wanted to though in the towels ( yet I kept telling myself if my friend can battle cancer twice and yet remain strong-than why can’t i) ….This May 2013 I was diagnose with serve heart decease I needed a triple bypass surgery—and my friend Putt stock by me closer than a sister. Putt has truly been an inspiration and true friend. A few weeks ago I mention to my friend isn't it strange how GOD BOUGHT US BACK INTO EACH OTHER LIVES.

PS: My friend Ms. Beverly Wesley (nickname PUTT) I must say you are truly a women of God –and your love for helping and caring for others is so beautiful….MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND ALWAYS KEEP YOU IN PERFECT PEACE……………….